I note this hasn been answered so ill

Elijah the prophet tells Ahab King of Israel that it will not rain for three years. The Lord sends Elijah to a place called the Kerith Ravine where Elijah drinks from the brook and is fed by ravens. The Lord tells Elijah to move on to Zarephath in Sidon where a woman will supply him food. costume wigs I note this hasn been answered so ill put forward my view as a UK solicitor.If you know the client is guilty (ie they told you they did the crime) then you cannot represent them in bringing a defence that they didn Solicitors and barristers have an overriding duty to the court and must not mislead the court for fear of punishment.However, if the client says he didn do it, all you can do is advise him on the evidence against him and represent him the best you can.There are always cases where you "know" a person did commit a crime as the evidence is overwhelming.First, everything your client tells you is confidential. Everything. 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